

The latest release of kinisi can be installed from PyPI with pip:

$ pip install kinisi


Alternatively, the latest development build can be installed Github, which can be installed directly from Github with pip:

$ pip install git+

Note, that if you already have kinisi on your system, you may need to run pip uninstall kinisi first to ensure you get the latest version.


If you are interesting in modifying the kinisi code, you should clone the git repository and install kinisi with the dev option in editable mode.

$ git clone
$ cd kinisi
$ pip install -e '.[dev]'

To run the notebooks included in the docs directory of the GitHub repository, it is necessary that the [docs] installation is performed.

$ git clone
$ cd kinisi
$ pip install -e '.[docs]'

The documentation can then be built from the Makefile as follows (note that pandoc needs to be installed, either on conda/mamba or by following the online instructions).

$ cd docs
$ make html